Smoky is officially radioactive

The Doctor called around 5:30 this evening and Smoky is officially irradiated.  We talked about it in advance, but he ended up getting a very high dose.  Usually the highest does for non-cancerous cats is 7 millicuries.  Smoky got exactly that.  That does is two and a half times the usual does for a hyperthyroid cat.  Partly this is because we’re trying to zap his entire thyroid and the cystic goiter that’s growing on it and partly this is because this procedure is happening while he’s still on his methimazole.

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Smoky goes to get nuked, take two

Our little buddy Smoky seems to have gotten well enough that we can now bring him back for the treatment he was supposed to have gotten two weeks ago.   We were quite glad to see him back to his old self – especially asking for attention, pestering us for food, and occasionally giving Rerun a bap or two on the nose.  We brought him back to Angell yesterday morning so he could get his follow up check after all of his issues from last time, and the doctor has given him the green light for his treatment.  So tomorrow we will bring him back once more so he can finally get the thyroid treatment he needs.  We really hope that this will make his life easier and make him more comfortable.  We will update tomorrow after we have dropped him off.


A well churched weekend

Geoff and I spent a lot of time this weekend in houses of worship.  On Saturday our friends Paul and Laura baptized their adorable daughter, Susannah, at St. Paul Parish in Harvard Sq.  Apparently the theme of the day, other than joy and music, was fuchsia.  I don’t know how I figured this out but I decided at the last minute to wear this excellent pink top I have that has pretty satin piping.  Turns out Laura was wearing this outstanding pink lace dress and had taken the time to hand stamp a pink chrysanthemum on the front of each of the bulletins.

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