Art so irrationally funny, I’m not sure how to describe it

This was sent to us by the super funny JJ yesterday.  It is a link to art by this guy James.  He calls it “Relentlessly Cheerful Art.”  I can’t say I disagree.  The artist is someone who clearly knows his Geek Culture (yes, there is such a thing) and who also is ridiculously talented.  The art is actually really, really beautiful.  But the subject matter is so strikingly funny I was actually sitting here yesterday, Geoff right along with me, laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.

It does require a certain understanding of things like Star Wars, Firefly, and Dr. Who, but it also mixes in Winnie the Poo, Where the Wild Things Are (my favorite childhood book), and Edvard Munch’s The Scream.  Oh, and the Muppets.  Lots of Muppets.  Go, take a look.  You won’t regret it.


2 thoughts on “Art so irrationally funny, I’m not sure how to describe it”


    I think I might need The Meep on my wall at work. (Then again, perhaps that doesn’t send QUITE the right message to my clientele…)

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