“That’s not a knife, THIS is a knife.”

This popped up on Boston.com today and it made me laugh.  As it involves Geoff’s family’s ancestral home of New Bedford, MA I thought it worth posting here.

New Bedford store clerk foils knife-wielding robber by pulling out a sword

02/13/2013 4:13 PM

By Lauren Dezenski, Globe Correspondent

A New Bedford convenience store clerk pulled a sword on a man who tried to rob him while armed with a knife.

The man with the knife ran from the man with the sword, according to New Bedford police.

According to police, the assailant walked into the Lucky Seven Grocery store Tuesday just before noon, and pointed a knife at the 24-year-old clerk.

In response, the clerk pulled out a sword he kept behind the counter, police Detective Captain Steven Vicente said. The knife-wielding man fled the County Street store.

The clerk was unharmed and no money was taken.

Police describe the assailant as a white male approximately 40 years old, 5 foot 9, heavy build, with a brown mustache. He was last seen wearing an olive green winter coat, blue jeans, and white and blue sneakers*.

Anyone with information is asked to contact New Bedford Police.

Lauren Dezenski can be reached at lauren.dezenski@globe.com


And because I am 12, * wet underpants.

I have a feeling that store is not going to be robbed again for a long time.  As for the comment on the article should you feel the need to click through, the usual caveat reader applies.


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