Protests, First Night and Boston Getting it Wrong

I’ll tell you right up front as I start this that I’m as much of a fan of First Night here in Boston as I am of the 4th of July.  Actually, it’s probably more accurate to say that I hate the crowds and accompanying stupidity for both just as much, but what the 4th stands for matters more to me.  And, I’ve never been able to figure out why they call the celebration of the last night of the year First Night.

Anyway, New Year’s Eve here in Boston is celebrated with a giant city-wide party.  You can buy a button that will get you into all kinds of things for free.  There are concerts, ice sculptures, fireworks, skating, dancing, face painting, puppet shows, museums, all sorts of things.  The list is almost endless and it is entirely impossible to do it all in one evening.  This has been happening as long as I’ve been living here and, though it nearly went bankrupt and stopped happening a year or so ago, it is back with a vengeance now.

Enter politicians and police to screw it all up.

Continue reading “Protests, First Night and Boston Getting it Wrong”

“That’s not a knife, THIS is a knife.”

This popped up on today and it made me laugh.  As it involves Geoff’s family’s ancestral home of New Bedford, MA I thought it worth posting here.

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A post in which I say “masshole” a lot

Anyone who has ever spent any time in New England knows about the “Boston” accent.  If you’ve spent any time around people who were raised here or who spent the greater portions of their lives in proximity to certain parts of Massachusetts, you know about the Law of R Conservation.

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This week, in the randomness that is the internet

Every so often I come across a random photo or drawing on the internet that amuses or horrifies me.  Or if I’m lucky it makes me wonder what on earth is going on.  This is a round up of three that I’ve come across this week.  Enjoy?

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The things you learn on the internet

I was reading through the most recent post by The Bloggess.  This post was her announcement of the third leg of her book tour and there was much celebration in the comments from people who will get to see her at a reading.  As usual, I scrolled on down and read through the comments because they’re often hilarious.  Then I came to this one.

Continue reading “The things you learn on the internet”

A new tourist attraction

This article was published on today.  It hit several other news outlets as well and was forwarded to us by a couple of friends.  As you can imagine, the general feeling was, “Don’t ever let Geoff go there now that this is law.”

Continue reading “A new tourist attraction”

What’s wrong with this picture?

If you get regular Groupon emails you know that they’re always trying to be a little edgy.  Or, at least sometimes, their humor is a bit tongue in cheek.  This time, however, they either missed funny entirely, or someone re-purposed their Mother’s Day email and didn’t check the results of the Find and Replace function completely.  Whoops.

Continue reading “What’s wrong with this picture?”

Chocolate what???

Ok, so I admit it.  Geoff and I watch a lot of Bones.  A lot.  But when this popped up in my inbox the other day even we were… confused.  Leave it to to send me something like this and think that it is normal.  Normal for a serial killer, maybe.

Continue reading “Chocolate what???”

A picture is worth a thousand words

When the picture is done properly.

I used to work in the retail and online auction industry.  In fact, sometimes I was responsible for actually taking the pictures and photo editing them so that they could be put up online to sell stuff.  That’s why when this photo showed up in my inbox the other day I literally had to do a double take.

Continue reading “A picture is worth a thousand words”

It’s the end of the world as we know it – Mayan style!

Some of you may know that Geoff and I find all of this end of the world stuff, erm, endlessly fascinating and funny.  Between Harold Camping and his crew predicting the Rapture at least twice last year to the impending End Of All The Things this December because of the Mayan Calendar, we’re just laughing a LOT.

Continue reading “It’s the end of the world as we know it – Mayan style!”