Mark your calendars! Cambridge Open Studios is coming!

Cambridge Open Studios is back, and this year it is all of Cambridge in only one weekend.  Just like last year there will be a shuttle bus that will take you, for free, all over town.  And, lucky for us all, the primary departure point will be at Cambridge College, 1000 Mass Ave, every hour on the hour.  That also happens to be where I’ll be showing my work this year.  I love it when a plan comes together.

Continue reading “Mark your calendars! Cambridge Open Studios is coming!”

Holiday Arts & Eats at Assembly Row

It’s that time of year again!  It’s time to shop locally and stock up on gifts for friends and family.  I’m showing my jewelry and vintage goodies in the ASSEMBLED Holiday Arts & Eats show at Assembly Row.  It starts tonight at 6:00pm and runs through Sunday.  All of the details are below and here.  Hope to see you there.


Come see me! SLAM St.Patrick’s Local Artist Market – Saturday March 16th

Hi folks!  It’s that time again.  I have a show locally on St. Patrick’s Day weekend.  Come see me on Saturday when I’m selling my jewelry and come see me on Sunday when I sing.  More details below the cut.  C’mon, click, you know you want to.

Continue reading “Come see me! SLAM St.Patrick’s Local Artist Market – Saturday March 16th”

I’m not sure there’s much to say about this one

I usually expect stuff of this caliber to come from Etsy.  This time, it’s and their weekly Foodie email that brings the goods.  There’s really nothing to add, this one stands on its own.

Continue reading “I’m not sure there’s much to say about this one”

2012 in review

It’s that time again.  WordPress has helpfully provided us with all kinds of cool stats on our blog.  There are also nifty graphics and fun details about where all of you kindly readers came from, what you liked to read about, and what you searched for.

I can tell you from experience that we get a lot of people coming here looking for words like “disturbing” “sexist women”  and “women comparison”.  I find that a little disturbing, but if you stay for a read I suppose it’s not a bad thing?

Enjoy the WordPress report and have a safe and healthy celebration tonight.  I’ll be here at home working on Etsy, enjoying an honest-to-God day off, and relaxing with the kids.

Happy New Year!


Continue reading “2012 in review”

Announcing Singing Stones Jewelry

Well folks, I finally did it.  I’ve finally taken my jewelry obsession business online. had a soft launch in time for my first show, but I finally got the companion Etsy site online yesterday in time for today, “Cyber Monday”.

Continue reading “Announcing Singing Stones Jewelry”

I’m not sure I have words for this

“Obsessed with guns much?”

That was about all Geoff and I had to say when this arrived in my inbox today.  Courtesy of Etsy, naturally, I had to click through to the seller and see if this was for real.

It is.

Continue reading “I’m not sure I have words for this”

Points to the right side of the page –>

I added a new page to our site today.  It has pretty things on it, though I’m not terribly impressed with my photos.  You should check it out.  I’ve finally started making enough jewelry to sell.  No, I don’t have an Etsy shop.  Yet.  But I’m going in baby steps.

Email me or comment on the new page if you want to buy a pretty.


Creepy item of the day

I’m a big fan of putting up weird, creepy, poorly thought out, and generally strange stuff here that I find in various parts of the internet.  Some times they’re emailed to me and other times I just happen across them.  Today, this landed in my inbox.

Continue reading “Creepy item of the day”