If you need clarification, just ask

In this day and age of food allergies and intolerances, you’d think that being a vegetarian would be pretty straightforward.  Apparently, it’s still not.  I’ve been a vegetarian for 25 years now and I still get people who are completely confused by what it means or who make assumptions about what I eat or don’t eat.  Some of this is cultural, some of this is just dumb, and some of this is people who just aren’t thinking.

So, for those of you who are so inclined, I’ve written up a handy reference chart.  Keep it where you keep the lists you consult when you’re trying to figure out what to make for the kosher vegan with the nut allergy when he comes over to visit.  It’ll make life easier, I promise.

Continue reading “If you need clarification, just ask”

I met David Sedaris, again.

The first time I met David Sedaris was at a book signing several years ago.  I met him again in 2010 when Geoff and I saw him read and sign Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk at the Harvard Book Store.  Last Tuesday I worked a private event for the book store in which I got to spend about an hour and a half just sitting and chatting with David Sedaris.

Yes, there are times when my life is awesome.

Continue reading “I met David Sedaris, again.”

Happy Halloween

From our family to yours.

Our wedding photo
We’ve almost been married a year and I don’t think we look one bit the worse for wear, do you?

Happy Halloween.  Remember, tonight when the veils between this world and the next are thinnest, there are a few things you need to know to keep safe.

Always Aim for the Head and The Double Tap.

~Kelly & Geoff

Zombified photo courtesy of the cool folks at picmonkey.com, discovered via TheBloggess.

New Hampshire Gift Shops and Other Scary Things

As you may have seen from Geoff’s post from the other day about Inappropriate Napping, we spent Thursday in New Hampshire with Geoff’s parents, sister, brother in law, and the kids.  Before going out to dinner we went to a local gift shop aimed at the camping and antiquing tourists that come through the area.  It was… an experience.

Continue reading “New Hampshire Gift Shops and Other Scary Things”